
Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Persona 3 portable review for psp

Mungkin Kalian sudah sering sekali mendengar game Persona 3. Tidak heran, mengingat sebelumnya game ini sudah dirilis di PS2 dengan judul Persona 3 dan ditambah lagi dengan sebuah versi ekspansinya, Persona 3 FES. Sekarang, Persona 3 kembali hadir dan kali ini Atlus membawa gamenya itu ke konsol portable dengan judul Persona 3 Portable. Dalam Persona 3 Portable, kamu akan menemukan Persona 3 FES yang telah disempurnakan dan seorang karakter perempuan yang baru pertama kali muncul di Persona 3 khusus PSP ini.

Mungkin Kalian juga sudah mengetahui apa jalan cerita dari game tersebut. Tapi akan tetap membahasnya agar kalian yang belum pernah main sebelumnya bisa mengetahui apa jalan ceritanya disini. Dalam game ini, kamu akan memainkan seorang murid yang baru saja pindah ke Jepang dan saat ia tiba di asrama tempat tinggalnya, ia menemukan fakta bahwa ternyata tempat tinggalnya itu bukan asrama biasa. Setiap malam (tepatnya tengah malam), semua penduduk yang ada di sekitar kamu akan berubah wujud menjadi sebuah peti mati dan akan muncul sebuah menara yang penuh dengan makhluk jahat yang disebut sebagai Shadows. Sekelompok orang yang memiliki kemampuan untuk tetap sadar di saat Dark Hour (julukan untuk waktu tengah malam) dan tugasnya adalah untuk bertarung dengan Shadows. Kelompok tersebut menamakan dirinya Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES), sebuah kelompok yang terdiri dari beberapa murid sekolah.

Pada malam hari, kamu akan pergi ke menara yang disebut Tartarus dengan semua anggota SEES dan bertarung dengan semua jenis Shadows yang ada. Kamu akan bertemu dengan beragam jenis monster, mulai dari yang merayap sampai yang terbang. Pertarungan masih tetap menggunakan pedang dan busur, tapi elemen utama disini adalah Persona yang kamu miliki. Persona ini disebut-sebut sebagai representasi dari diri masing-masing anggota SEES ini. Apabila bingung apa itu Persona, Persona merupakan makhluk yang mirip dengan summon dalam Final Fantasy dan mereka bisa kamu panggil untuk membantu kamu melancarkan serangan-serangan dahsyat untuk mematikan musuh. Bukan hanya itu saja, dari sekian banyak Persona yang kamu dapatkan, kamu bisa menggabungkannya dan menghasilkan Persona baru yang jauh lebih kuat lagi.

Seiring dengan permainan, nantinya karakter kamu beserta dengan semua Persona miliknya bisa naik level dari semua Experience Point yang kamu dapatkan. Oh ya, pemeran utama, beda halnya dengan karakter-karakter lainnya, memiliki keunikan tersendiri dalam hal Persona. Apabila orang lain hanya mampu mengendalikan satu Persona, maka karakter utama kamu bisa menampung beberapa Persona sekaligus dalam tubuhnya dan melakukan perubahan Persona kapanpun kamu mau. Tentu saja itu harus dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan kamu.

Pertempuran ini hanya bisa dilakukan di malam hari dan pada siang hari, kamu akan menjalankan kewajiban kamu layaknya seorang murid yang baik (ingat, karakter utama disini masih SMA, jadi tidak heran apabila ia harus sekolah). Seperti biasa, kamu bisa menjalankan kegiatan sekolah, mulai dari belajar di kelas, bergabung dengan klub dan membina hubungan dengan teman-teman kamu. Setiap kegiatan yang kamu lakukan biasanya bisa mempengaruhi beberapa status kamu. Total status yang bisa kamu tingkatkan disini ada tiga, yakni charm (daya tarik), academics (kepintaran) dan courage (keberanian). Status tersebut cukup penting, mengingat untuk bisa berinteraksi dengan orang tertentu, kamu harus mencapai status tertentu. Apabila status kamu belum cukup, maka kamu tidak akan bisa berinteraksi lebih jauh lagi.

Nah, dengan berinteraksi dengan teman-teman disini, kamu akan membina sesuatu yang dinamakan Social Link. Social Link ini sendiri nantinya akan mempengaruhi kekuatan Persona yang kamu ciptakan dari hasil kombinasi. Kamu bisa memperkuat Social Link tersebut dengan cara berinteraksi dengan teman ataupun orang yang telah kamu temui dan hasilnya nanti, hubungan antara kamu dengan Persona yang kamu miliki akan semakin kuat. Jadi intinya, hubungan kamu ini benar-benar tercipta dari seluruh keputusan yang kamu ambil selama menjalin hubungan tersebut. Mungkin bagi Kalian yang sudah lama malang melintang di dunia Persona 3, tentunya sudah tahu itu semua.

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley Review !

Saya waktu review ini game lom tamat sih, gila aja lu, ini game harvest moon bo, ga mungkin suruh saya 1 minggu selesain, belum main game lain lagi, hhe , jadi review yang saya liat sekilas aja yo, kalo ga setuju ya silahkan buat review sendiri .

Game ini kalo diliat sekilas mengingatkan kita dengan game HM: Save the homeland di PS2, itu ada alasannya karena game ini remake dari HM: Save the homeland tersebut dengan tambahan ending, layout kota yang berbeda, bisa menikah (tapi ga bisa punya anak), NPC baru, tambang, dan jenis tanaman yang baru.

ane review lebih jelas lagi

Gameplay (8/10)
Seperti game2 HM lainnya, dimana kita kerja cari duit terus duitnya buat beli barang yang akan kita kasih ke penduduk setempat (atau cewek), dengan tambahan sekarang mencari duit tidak hanya dari kebun kamu, kamu bisa mencari duit dengan pekerjaan sampingan yang diberikan oleh penduduk setempat, pekerjaan sampingan ini banyak . Kotak untuk jual tanaman yang kamu tanam sekarang sudah ga ada (susah deh) jadi sekarang kamu harus bawa tanaman/barang yang ingin kamu jual ke toko.
Kamu bisa upgrade/menambah bangunan kamu, bisa upgrade tools kamu, bisa memancing, bisa juga taruhan di pacuan kuda, dan lain sebagainya.
Hewan yang bisa membantu kamu menambah uang hanya sapi dan ayam (mana dombanya?) dan peliharaan kamu hanya anjing dan kuda. Dimana tidak seperti hm sebelumnya, kamu perlu menaruh makanan untuk anjing supaya bisa memilikinya.

Kamu bisa menikah

Story (8/10)
 Saya sebenarnya mau kasih 7, tapi berhubung endingnya ada 16, jadi batal dah, seperti HM:Save the homeland, disini kamu (Jack) harus menyelamatkan desa karena desa tersebut rencananya mau dibangun taman bermain. Ada dua cara untuk menyelamatkan desa, yang pertama kamu harus mencari cara membuat desa kamu terkenal, nah dari dari sini ada 16 ending, ini yang membuat saya kasih nilai 8. Cara kedua harus nyipain duit yang banyak buat membeli kembali desa (ga keren).

Control (7/10)
Saya main ini game dari ISO punya si bos, yang dimana HM versi Jepang cuman uda di edit jadinya b.inggris, permasalahannya game jepang itu kalo tombol yes selalu bulat dan tombol no selalu x, jadi tukar aja fungsi kedua tombol tersebut.

untuk mengerakkan karakter kamu bisa dengan analog, tombol d-pad digunakan untuk memutar kamera (bakalan sering digunakan), tombol segitiga untuk membuat kamera berada di posisi default, tombol kotak untuk mengunakan tools kamu, memakan makanan kamu dll, tombol x untuk menyimpan barang kamu, memberikan barang kamu, dll, tombol O untuk membuang barang kamu, membuka pintu dll, tombol start untuk melihat barang2 kamu, tombol select untuk melihat deskripsi dari barang dan map kamu, kamu bisa menekan tombol segitiga saat di menu map untuk kembali kerumah, tapi hati2 karena ini membuat kamu pulang dan langsung tidur. Tidak ada tombol untuk berlari karena karakter kamu akan otomatis berlari jika tombol analog di tarik agak kencang.
Tombol L untuk memangil anjing/kuda, tombol R untuk mengambil barang atau menganti tools kamu

Graphic (9/10)
Amazing!!!, graphicnya hampir mendekati HM:Save the homeland di PS2, karakter dengan detail yang cukup bagus dengan sentuhan anime yang bagus juga, juga peta yang cukup luas dan background2 yang bagus.

Sound (7/10)
dulu saya main hm di ps1 musicnya uda nempel, uda hapal. tapi disini ane ga gitu suka dengan musiknya, suara2 seperti anjing mengongong, ayam berkokok dll standard aja, yang pastinya intinya ga bisa trademark gitu.

Re-playability (9/10)
seperti juga game2 HM lainnya, game ini bisa bertahan cukup lama di psp kamu, apalagi ditambah dengan 16 ending, asal kamu ga bosan aja tiap hari jadi petani hehehehehehe.
satu lagi yang bikin ini game bagus, setelah tamat kamu bisa lanjutin New Game+ untuk mencari ending lainnya.


akhir kata, game ini cocok buat yang uda bosan ngeliat kekerasan, pertumpahan darah, konspirasi dll sebagainya, karena game ini isinya positif melulu

[CWCHEAT] God of War : Chains of Olympus

Ini salah satu game yg  ada di psp saya , nah kalian yg memainkan game ini saya kasih tau cwcheatnya .

_S UCUS-98653
_G God of War Chains of Olympus

_C0 Infinite Health
_L 0x20365C84 0x00000000

_C0 Infinite Magic Usage
_L 0x20365C8C 0x00000000

_C0 Quick Red Orbs Gain
_L 0x20365C80 0x461C3C00

_C0 One Hit Kill
_L 0x20365C88 0x461C3C00

_C0 Control AI (L+Up ON, L+Down OFF)
_L 0xD0000000 0x10000110
_L 0x2003DF78 0x3C063F80
_L 0xD0000000 0x10000140
_L 0x2003DF78 0x3C060000

_C0 Moon Jump (L+Left ON, L+Right OFF)
_L 0xD0000000 0x10000180
_L 0x201957A8 0x3C054000
_L 0xD0000000 0x10000120
_L 0x201957A8 0x3C053F80

semuanya bisa dipake kok , Enjoy and Have fun !

Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Ys: The Oath in Felghana Review PSP

Adol the Red is truly a hero for the ages. Not only does he appear to save the day in each new Ys title, but he also returns to the past to safeguard those he's already freed. Ys: The Oath in Felghana was originally released for the PC as a remake of the classic Ys III, and now, the title moves to the PSP for more handheld monster slaying. It showcases both action and platforming elements while providing a wide range of selectable difficulty settings for the adventurous, as well as the timid. The controls and the 3D world sometimes just don't get along, but there's enough solid action to tempt those with a need to blow up huge adversaries and bring peace to troubled lands.

Felghana is a small nation bordered by mountains and sea; it is isolated but rich in the valuable and unique raval ore. Its people have been governed for the past 20 years by an appointee of the Romun Empire, Count McGuire, a harsh master who treats his charges cruelly through taxation without representation and who issues all manner of strange edicts. The region is also the birthplace of Dogi, Adol's muscular companion, so when the pair hears of a disturbance in Felghana, nothing will do but to sail right over and investigate. A large cast of locals and other characters helps bring the tale to life with screen-grabbing, sizeable character portraits and quite a lot of voice acting. A focus on vocal storytelling means that Adol's actions (which are always referred to via the third person) are relayed through the warm tones of a narrator, and this technique goes a long way in aiding the flow of dialogue. It helps integrate the sometimes jarring juxtaposition of live conversations interspersed with phrases like, "Adol nods and offers his aid," making it clear that this is an after-the-fact account of the travels of an outrageously famous hero. It's still typical Ys fare that concentrates on vanquishing foes rather than focusing on its narrative journey, but all the extra personality helps to build out the world in a more nuanced way, even when some of the acting tends to be a bit hokey. The great soundtrack, driven by elements of rock, as well as some more traditional orchestral melodies, rounds out the audio and provides an energetic atmosphere.
Soon after your arrival, you encounter all sorts of feral beasts roaming the roads and wilds due to an unexplained increase in monster activity. The townspeople send you into scattered dungeons in your quest to rid Felghana of all its wicked things, and these areas are expansive and visually sharp. There's more of an emphasis on technical detail, such as patterns in paving stones and planks in wooden doors, than artistic flair, though character models are all drawn with intricate care. All the minute visual additions produce a nice static image, but they can tend to appear as a blur while you're racing around with a sword. That impacts gameplay because the environments here are in 3D but don't accurately convey depth. There are lots of situations where you have to perform jumps across platforms set at different heights in the foreground and background, but other than Adol's faint shadow, it can be hard to tell where you're oriented in space. Making jumps correctly is an important factor in multitiered dungeons where a misstep can cause you to drop three floors down. There are no dungeon maps, either, so these drops can leave you lost while you attempt to figure out both where you've ended up and where you're ultimately trying to go. In addition, there are some areas that purposefully place further restrictions on your field of vision through encroaching shadows. Instead of adding an invigorating sense of danger, this technique makes exploration and timing some particular leaps more frustrating than necessary. But, then, you can always vent your frustration on the monsters instead.

The world is filled with foes awaiting Adol's onslaught. You can carry yourself forward in a flurry of sword strikes, and you're able to perform both a jumping thrust upward and a strong downward stab, the latter of which has a chance to stun those who happen to be beneath your blade. As you explore, you collect three bracelets imbued with elemental magic that each grant Adol a different power. One lets you shoot fireballs and light torches; one performs a whirlwind attack that can be used to float in the air briefly; and one allows the use of a dash attack, which can also break obstacles in your path. Each of your bracelets can be enhanced by gems you discover in dungeons, and your gear can be upgraded by a smithy in town for a fee of gold and raval ore. While most foes are handily dispatched by your sword alone, others require you to use your elemental skills to exploit vulnerabilities. You can switch your equipped bracelet on the fly by pressing a shoulder button, and even with this short list of moves, Adol quickly becomes an efficient killing machine. As you battle, a boost gauge gradually fills with energy and allow you to execute boost mode, which fills you with power and allows you to hit harder and faster while halving damage taken. Later in the game, boost mode also restores a certain amount of health, which becomes a critical factor because there are no health potions that you can carry with you.
The largest rewards come from killing a dungeon's bosses, in terms of both experience points and overall satisfaction. Ys games always feature imposing gatekeeper monsters that loom tall and unleash all sorts of horror upon you, and this installment is no exception. You're challenged to prove your skill from the first boss you encounter, as you avoid devastating abilities and fight your way to an opening to do damage. A nice feature in The Oath in Felghana is a generous difficulty dial that at the beginning of the game allows you to choose anything from very easy all the way up to nightmare, adjusting the challenge you'll face. If you still find yourself struggling during a boss battle--after getting creamed a couple of times--you can decrease the difficulty of that encounter specifically. Mainly this feature increases your attack slightly while decreasing damage slightly, and if you need to, you can do this several times over several attempts. The most resolute players may ignore this particular option, but if you find yourself stuck on a particularly angry boss, decreasing the difficulty slightly can give you the edge you need for victory. These selectors really open up the game to players of all levels of competence while preserving the stiff challenge that fans of the series would expect, creating a good balance.
Upon completion, you unlock an image gallery, the brutally difficult Inferno mode, and a time-attack mode that pits you against the ferocious boss monsters back-to-back at a selectable difficulty level. Defeating these bosses unlocks new, even more difficult bosses for you to fight. In addition, you have the option to open a new save file and use points to carry over attributes of your character to a new game--like your stats, your gold, and so on. Defeating each of the difficulty modes grants you additional gallery images, as well as differing point amounts to spend carrying content over to a new game, so completionists have no shortage of things to do.

Ys: The Oath in Felghana is suitable for just about anyone who likes to cut up monsters, though it's the normal difficulty and higher settings that will offer the best challenge and sense of accomplishment. The story is compact and unpretentious, the action is fast paced, and the involute dungeons provide some tricky platforming and a host of foes to obliterate. If you're looking for an uncomplicated action role-playing game and don't mind occasionally wrangling with the environment, The Oath in Felghana surely fits the bill.

Worms : Battle Islands Review !

The folks over at Team 17 apparently don't subscribe to the idea of opening a whole new can of worms. Each new incarnation of the popular Worms franchise plays like a mere expansion of the previous outing, and in many regards, Worms: Battle Islands for the PSP is no different. Granted, these worms work well for Team 17--so well that they've shied once again from drilling any new wormholes into the franchise. The difference here is in the details. The controls have never felt so effortlessly intuitive, the customization options have seldom been so extensive, and the multiplayer modes have rarely been so welcoming. That said, it's still simply Worms. Battle Islands is palatable bait for series newcomers, but even devoted veterans may find their time better spent elsewhere.

For the uninitiated, Worms places you control of a battalion of adorable oligochaetes as they assault another team with missile launchers, exploding sheep, and the occasional concrete donkey. Here you bounce over hills and burrow through tunnels with flamethrowers, worming your way out of dangers such as proximity mines. Combat is turn-based, and you have only a minute to slither over to your enemy and make your move. Of course, this same tactic works for your nightcrawling foes, so there's a chance that you'll find yourself staring straight at your killer with nowhere to run.
The single-player campaign comprises 30 moderately challenging missions spread across six islands based on widely different themes. For instance, you start out in a postapocalyptic nuclear test site and work your way through tropical jungles and frozen wastelands. In each case, you wreak havoc on the jagged landscape with your rocket launcher or some other goodie from your weapon stash, and in certain cases you can assign snipers to eliminate the competition before a round even starts. As a welcome new addition, blueprints now drop from the sky in each campaign level (and sometimes land in absurdly unreachable locations), and you can use these to modify items like your unassuming baseball bat into something decidedly more threatening.
Indeed, customization has always been at the heart of the Worms games, and easily pleased thrill seekers will be happy to know that you can customize your worm's appearance with prizes earned from missions (including new items like masks and backpacks). If you've always wanted to see your murderous worm squiggle about with a Jason Voorhees-style hockey mask, this is your chance. You can even customize your victory dance or what kind of tombstone appears after you die, and there's a welcome option to design your own level.

Aside from the campaign, you can also test your skills through a series of time attacks or challenging puzzles. In one of the timed trials, you need to speed through multiple laps in a cavern while using only your jetpack; in another, you swing through a canyon using only a ninja's grappling rope while avoiding a lake of ectoplasmic goo. The puzzles are considerably more rewarding: in one, you must kill two opponents in the same turn; elsewhere, you need to finish off an enemy with only a weak mine and a punch. Still need training? Battle Islands offers three training modes and a free-for-all firing range to test out your new toys.
Be prepared for several difficulty spikes as you progress through the levels. In earlier levels, your worms can sometimes stand in plain sight before their enemies and watch as the missiles intended for them head off in the other direction; in later levels, enemy projectiles find your worms as though guided by your very thoughts--even if you were "safely" buried several yards within a bunker.
The five options in Battle Islands' robust online and offline multiplayer modes will easily keep you occupied for hours--provided you can find anyone online. The usual suspects are all here, including Deathmatch, Racing, Triathlon, and Forts, which gives you a base of operations, and each features leaderboards for those eager to become the Emperor Worm. Of particular note is the new Tactics mode, which lets you return to your war room at any time during the battle as well as see the battlefield for a minute before the match so you can place traps in advance. Best of all, you can even win items from your opponents in an online session.

Thankfully, Worms has lost none of its peculiar charm. Worms shout things like "Bor-ing!" when enemy players miss, although the limited voice options ensure that you can usually predict which phrase you'll hear next. All the best weapons from previous incarnations are here, including favorites like the holy hand grenade, which triggers Handel's Hallelujah chorus when launched. Missions are preceded by well-animated cutscenes that are often good for a quick laugh. The backgrounds are decently lively but not distracting, and the island environments are filled with quirky obstacles like downed airplanes and half-sunken ships. The music, while usually subdued, is nevertheless appropriate for the often methodical pace of Worms. All in all, Battle Islands marks a welcome return to the series' two-dimensional roots after comparatively lackluster offerings like Worms 4.
Almost. Battle Islands suffers from a few minor drawbacks, such as load times that approximate the time it takes an earthworm to traverse a summer sidewalk. Elsewhere, an annoying bug repeatedly insists that your Memory Stick was recently replaced (when it wasn't) and that you need to reenable autosave. Even so, Battle Islands makes Worms seem like it was specifically developed for the PSP, and not ported from another platform. You can zoom in and out with the left and right bumpers, and you can view every corner of the whole map with the analog stick. You can control your worm and adjust your weapons with the D pad, and trigger chaos with the action buttons. Every other button is mapped as it intuitively should be.

Sekian dlu aja yah ^o^

Cara memasukkan cwcheat ke psp .

1. Pergi ke Situs pada halaman "Persyaratan". Kemudian klik pada tombol CWCHEAT DOWNLOAD. Ini akan men-download terbaru yang keluar. Setelah itu ekstrak file ke desktop Anda.

Setelah itu Anda akan melihat banyak folder dan file secara keseluruhan. Hubungkan psp ke pc. 

3. Setelah itu copy folder "cwcheat" yang berada di folder INSTALL kedalam folder seplugins dipsp .

4. Setelah dicopy , matikan psp kamu . lalu hidupkan sambil menekan tombol "R" dan akan muncul tampilan recovery dan ENABLED cwcheat.prx

6. Mulai permainan dan tahan tombol select beberapa detik dan akan muncul tampilan cwcheat dan pergi ke "pilih cheat" dan pilih cheat setelah itu kembali dan mengaktifkan cheat . Have Fun !

[CWCHEAT] Harvest Moon Hero Of Leaf Valley ULUS-10458

Ni yang butuh cwcheat harvest moon hero of leaf valley psp .
saya kasih mudah mudahan bermanfaat yoo :)

_S ULUS-10458
_G Harvest Moon: Hero Of Leaf Valley [USA/JAP]
_C0 Infinite Gold
_L 0x204F22F8 0x3B9AC9FF
_C0 Infinite Stamina
_L 0x004F1BD2 0x00000064
_C0 Infinite 1st Slot Hold Item
_L 0x004D1CEE 0x00000063
_C0 Infinite 2nd Slot Hold Item
_L 0x004D1CF2 0x00000063
_C0 Infinite 3rd Slot Hold Item
_L 0x004D1CF6 0x00000063
_C0 Infinite 4th Slot Hold Item
_L 0x004D1CFA 0x00000063
_C0 Infinite All Hold Items
_L 0x804D1CEE 0x001E0004
_L 0x00000063 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite use of Water Can
_L 0x004D21F0 0x00000063
_C0 Barn Infinite Feed
_L 0x004D21EE 0x00000063
_C0 Infinite Health
_L 0x004F1BD6 0x00000000
_C0 1st Item Max Sales Record
_L 0x1050A2FA 0x0000270F
_C0 2nd Item Max Sales Record
_L 0x1050A2FE 0x0000270F
_C0 Sales Record Max
_L 0x8150A2FA 0x00260004
_L 0x0000270F 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Fridge Item Slot 1
_L 0x004D20EE 0x00000063
_C0 Infinite Fridge Item Slot 2
_L 0x004D20F2 0x00000063
_C0 Infinite Fridge Item
_L 0x804D20EE 0x003C0004
_L 0x00000063 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite ToolBox Hold Item Slot 1
_L 0x004D1EEE 0x00000063
_C0 Infinite ToolBox Hold Item
_L 0x804D1EEE 0x003C0004
_L 0x00000063 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Horse Event Bets
_L 0x104DA0C0 0x000003E7
_L 0x104DA200 0x000003E7
_L 0x104DA340 0x000003E7
_L 0x104DA480 0x000003E7
_L 0x104EC658 0x000003E7
_L 0x1050BDFE 0x000003E7

_C0 Max heart dog and horse
_L 0x004C674E 0x000000FF
_L 0x004F92CD 0x000000FF
_C0 No Fatigue
_L 0x104F3256 0x00000000
_C0 Inf 2nd Slot Hold Item
_L 0x004D3372 0x00000062
_C0 Inf 3rd Slot Hold Item
_L 0x004D3376 0x00000062
_C0 Inf 4th Slot Hold Item
_L 0x004D337A 0x00000062
_C0 Inf 5th Slot Hold Item
_L 0x004D337E 0x00000062
_C0 Inf All Hold Items
_L 0x804D336E 0x001E0004
_L 0x00000062 0x00000000
_C0 Inf Cow Milking
_L 0x804F8D90 0x00050070
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000
_C0 Max Hearts Villagers (girls)
_L 0x804F3A48 0x001B000B
_L 0x1000015E 0x00000000
_C0 Max Chicken Heart
_L 0x804F874D 0x00060068
_L 0x000000FA 0x00000000
_C0 Max Cow Heart
_L 0x804F8D8D 0x00050070
_L 0x000000FA 0x00000000

_C0 Stop Time
_L 0xD0000000 0x10000110
_L 0x20045DBC 0x00000000
_L 0xD0000000 0x10000140
_L 0x20045DBC 0xAE420078
_C0 Infinite Stamina
_L 0x20097C00 0x24050064
_L 0x20097C90 0xA4803256
_C0 Max Money
_L 0x204F3978 0x0098967F
_C0 Infinite Item Usage
_L 0xD0000002 0x10000210
_L 0x20085D90 0x24020000
_L 0x20085FA8 0x24040000
_L 0x20086024 0x24040000
_L 0xD0000002 0x10000240
_L 0x20085D90 0x320200FF
_L 0x20085FA8 0x7C042620
_L 0x20086024 0x7C042620

Enjoy :) hahaha